Profile picture for user Kah Weng Ng_1

PPMNPP Lencana Kemahiran 2021

Since there is pandemic movement lockdown in the country, a lot of youth must stay at home and not even able to practice their scouting skills. This is virtual program to provide the young scouts to participate in scouting knowledge hunting and also self learning by research and web exploration for details. The online quiz will challenge the young scout how much they have learned by their own so far.
This was an virtual program which include 3 segments, webinar, online quiz and home practical assignment. The webinar mainly serve as communication channel for all participants to understand the program purpose and goals, what is expected from them. The online quiz is the next challenges after a month period perform self study, research on the selected topics given. The home based practical session was the time for them to perform their skills at home and present their home works with video.
This project mainly guide the young scouts to utilize their time at home to practice their scouting skills and improve their scouting knowledge.
This project required alot web based skills and most of time hardly to fully engage the participants. For future improvement, it can be break into small patrol method, perform group discussion with a scouter guidance.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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