Post-Election Community Clean-Up Drive 2022
Post-Election Community Clean-Up Drive in their local barangays to clean all areas posted with campaign materials to clean all areas posted with campaign materials like posters, pamphlets, plastics and tarps. The activity start at 7:00 in the morning and ended at 10:00 in the morning. And the activity followed by mapping for our tree planting activity with hiking for 2hrs.
Encourages scout members to conduct a Post-Election Clean-Up Drive in their community.
A National Office Memorandum No. 30, was issued by the BSP encouraging all Regional Offices, Local Councils, Adults-In-Scouting, units and volunteers to participate in the Clean-Up Drive. The road will be clean all areas posted with campaign materials like posters, pamphlets and plastic bottles.
We will improve the project by inviting more scouts to help the community and do it in rightime.