Polio vaccination programme .

Polio is a very contagious disease . It spreads easily from person to person. Most people who get polio don't have any serious problems. But in some cases, polio can be very dangerous and lead to permanent disabilities - and even death. For this seriousness , we decided to take part in this project.
Members of Uttara High School And College Scout Group initiated the polio vaccination programme on 13/09/2022 at Nagor Mattri Sodon, sector - 6, Uttara - Dhaka in which 8 scouts participated actively. We become assistant of doctor and nurses to implement this programme properly.
About 200 people benefited from this project. As a recommends of cdc that all children get polio vaccine to protect agaist polio or poliomyelitis , as part of the series of routine childhood vaccines ,we implemented this programme for children can benefited. It reduce the serious consequences of polio. So children save from dangerous stage of polio.
Through this project, we have learned that the best way to prevent polio is to make sure my and my family's children are up to date with our vaccinations. The polio vaccine is part of the NHS routine childhood vaccination schedule. So it is our responsibility to implement this schedule .
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Personal safety
Humanitarian action
Health and Wellbeing

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