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Plastic Reuse Activity

Myself Anis Ali Scout Leader perform junk collection of plastics bottles in our community with 100 scouts. we collect plastic bottles and sort out which are in good condition or in usable condition to do recycling activity and make something useful from those plastics bottles which is helpful for our nature and climate.
Project took place in our community we make a groups of boys scouts, shaheen scouts & rover scouts to collect junk from every house. When we collecting junk from houses we store all collected junk in one place where we have a one team which is sorting all plastic bottles to do recycling activity.
About 500+ people have benefitted from this project we aims to give knowledge to peoples that clean our environment and protect our climate with the less usage of plastics. In this project we collect a lot plastic bottle to make something good to help nature and climate.
From this activity we learn how to reuse plastic material, how we create treasure from trash.
Number of participants
Service hours
Civic engagement
Healthy Planet
Global Support Assessment Tool
Environment and Sustainability

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