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Planting Trees in Forester's Day 2024

In commemoration of Forester's Day and as a form of environmental concern and the working program of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Kapuas River Basin Management Office, the Department of Environment and Forestry of West Kalimantan Province, and Kwartir Daerah Kalimantan Barat held a Tree Planting event at the West Kalimantan Scout House Campground on March 7, 2024.

Before the implementation, preparations were made such as coordination meetings between relevant institutions regarding the trees to be planted and the community invited to participate in this activity. The trees planted include economically valuable trees and fruit trees. Subsequently, land clearing for planting and digging of planting holes continued. During the implementation of this activity, 100 people attended from various NGOs and Scouts.
This tree planting is carried out as an effort for greening in the campground area and also as an effort to address global warming and achieve sustainability development goals.
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity

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