Profile picture for user imamhasan01

Planting trees, creating a beautiful environment!

Plant trees save the environment, treeless environment is a threat to life and livelihood. Hence rampant deforestation needs to be stopped to meet the growing shortage of this resource.
We conducted the said tree plantation program at our institute grounds. Among the saplings we planted were a variety of fruit trees. For example: mango, jam, jackfruit, litchi etc. need to be planted. The tree will not only enhance natural beauty, but also prevent soil erosion, prevent floods, prevent storm surges and save life and property. The role of trees in weather control is immense. Without trees, the world would become a desert. The tree provides oxygen and keeps us alive.
I learned a lot through this project. I learned from the tree planting program how important a role trees play in our environment. I will inspire others including myself to plant trees and plant trees on a larger scale in the future.
Number of participants
Service hours
Clean Energy
Global Support Assessment Tool
Nature and Biodiversity

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