Plantation work of primary government school
From our sgv arun kumar sir and overall district association members. I done this project activity for in our Hoskote town simple primary government school. One day our crew Rovers and Rangers to do something about this school and we planned make plantation in school campus. And it's memorable for 151 Gandhi jayanti and lal bahadur shastri and we all make happy to all school children's for this plantation project. And it use full for nature and earth.
This project we make us all Happy to children's and teachers. This plantation form of our activity to all Rovers and Rangers to join us and make good service and create a new World in simply government primary school at Hoskote. To all are participants give an new ideas and he learns about the nature and plants.
The impact of this ther surrounding the palaces and studing all children's and ther teachers impacted by this project activity of plantation on school campus to make her home village and surrounding areas to plants and make new nature and plantation form .
We learn about the plantation form and we learn about Nature feel and how to save our earth in this century and we learn about what can give for nature to me.