Plantation along the Highway
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Plantation along the Highway

World Environment Day is the "people's day" for doing something to take care of the Earth. That "something" can be focused locally, nationally or globally; it can be a solo action or involve a crowd. The Dzongkhag dignitiries, Scouts leaders, Scouts, Teachers, Forest Officials and Volunteers joined togetger in planting the trees along the Sarpang -Gelephu Highway. The Project will be able to * Slow, absorb, and clean water that runs off the highway, resulting in reduced soil erosion, flood control and cleaner water supplies. * Serve as living fences, keeping the track of the road rather than letting it drift across travel lanes. * Roadside trees give a cools shade for the pedestrians. * Cut off sun's heat from the ground, reduce dust pollution, noise pollution, wind velocity, and more important, produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide free of cost. They not only provide comfort and beauty but also improve productivity of human beings. GOING BEYOND BEAUTIFICATION.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Personal safety

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