Plant trees to prevent global warming

Inviting the younger generation to explore the causes of flash floods and how to overcome them to become a real action plan as a joint commitment. Exploring the causal relationship between flash flood disasters and global warming as an impact of Green House Gases due to the use of environmentally unfriendly postal energy.
We are building partnerships with all stakeholders who care about the impact of the flash flood disaster that occurred on March 2 2024 and have donated the property of the people of Sajingan Besar District, Kab. Sambas Indonesia. We managed to complete the activity thanks to the Head of PLBN Aruk Border, the TNI Pamtas Pamtas Yon Armed 16/TK, the Coordinator of MoP Sambas West Kalimantan, the Sambas Branch Quarter Scout Movement and the West Kalimantan Regional Quarter.
The students from the scouts, activists and defenders who took part in brandstorming activities and focus group discussions were able to find the relationship between the effects of global warming, the influence of greenhouse gases, changes in weather and extreme climate on the flash flood events that have occurred in Indonesia. So they carried out tree planting activities at the school and on the empty land around it. And don't throw rubbish in rivers.
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Youth Programme

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