Sri Lanka

Plant a Tree and help the Environment

On my birthday I thought I want to do valuable work for my mother Earth. so when I'm watching television, I had seen the news plastic is going to make a big problem for our nature. So I decided to use to plant trees using plastic bottels.
I did my project at my home first I found plastic cups, bottles, cans. Then I found spinach trees from my garden. First I cut the bottles as a pot. Then I made holes for it using a bouth. I made soil with compost fertilizer. and put soil into those bottles, cans, and cups. After that, I plant my spinach trees into those bottles. Every day I watered those plants and care for them very well.
My plants grow every day when I'm watching them I feel so happy. I gave that plastic pots to my friends and relations also. It helps us as a portion of food. I did not throw plastic into nature. Sometimes we sold spinach to the market and earn money Finally, I saved some money from my project From that money, I brought my study meterials.
I learn how to reuse plastic without throw it into nature. I learn how to plant a tree and how to care it. I learn how to protect our nature. I gave this message to my friends and I told them to do this project, they also can protect our nature.
Number of participants
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Sri Lanka
Diversity and inclusion

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