Peace through Rule of Law Partnership Program
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Peace through Rule of Law Partnership Program

Program Perspective: Peace through rule of law program is being developed through the full coordination and friendly cooperation of PARSA Afghan Scouts and community policing. The purpose of the program is a practical realization of peace. This is clear evidence that reaching for peace is only feasible through educating people particularly educating young generation. Program activities will include as follow: Conducting six training 1/activity badge as follow:  Peace through Rule of Law Badge  Peace in the Family Badge  Peace in the School Badge  Peace in the Community Badge  Peace in Afghanistan Badge  Messengers of Peace Badge Program activities: Distributing activities badges for Scout participants after completing the requirements Conduct 150 School outreach training program. Conduct minimum of 18 community service projects in the provinces that are included in the program. Conduct minimum of 18 field trips for Scouts to raise their information about the historical places and several police units. Distribution of 15000 copies booklets which include information about the six activity badges Installation of 56 informational billboards at 25 school. Program Goals:  Raise public legal awareness and their ability to assert their legal rights.  Introduction of police and justice agencies role in ensuring the rule of law and peace in society.  Promoting the rule of law and peace through rule of law.  Comprehensive and balanced awareness for all people in general and youth in particular.  Develop and promote the role of youth in the society and introducing young people as the future potential.  Development and promotion of high culture of citizenship and youth volunteers work.  Development scientific and artistic young people talents in the community. Program Participants Direct Beneficiaries: 800 Scouts boys / girls that are part of Scout programs in the orphanages and communities. Indirect Beneficiaries 11000 People, including School students, Police and Justice Agencies, Community leaders, Sponsors and Supporters of the Program. Program duration One year started 15-Nov-2013
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF

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