Peace for Sustainable Future

After being out in the sun for hours, everyone looks for some shade and clean place to come sit or lay down. Looking at the surrounding where i happen to teach, We don't find such places, only noise, smoke from vehicles, the smell from one of the major rivers. Seeing this i felt that planting trees, creating awareness on sustainable future is very important so that the scenario in future doesn't become worse. It's never too late to start. The health of our plant is in our hand.
Students shared their ideas as to how they can help to save our planet earth. They also involved their parents and got ideas from them as to the practices they are involved in and how it contributes to pollution and their traditional ideas were taken as to how sustainability can be achieved. The traditional construction of bags from pandanas leaves, coconut leaves and mats and cloth making does not involve machines or emits pollutants in the environment.
More than 2000 people benefited from the tree planting and they understand that to save our planet and keep it save for the future planting trees and looking after them is very important.
Plants are the future for the planet. Through sustainable we can save resources for the future. Educating the young ones and making them the advocates of climate action is very important. Their understanding and dialogues can make a lot of difference.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Civic engagement
Inner peace and spirituality
Healthy Planet

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