Profile picture for user aryav_11
Sri Lanka

Park Plastic Purge

During our 10th National Jamboree, I was inspired by a BWF activity about the harmful effects of plastic on the environment. After the activity, I remembered that a nearby park is heavily contaminated by plastic. The park is home to horses, dogs, elephants, and rare birds. I led a campaign to clean the park and raise awareness about responsible plastic disposal. My team and I made the park plastic-free and conducted workshops to educate visitors about the consequences of plastic pollution.
During the first two days, we collected contaminated plastic in the park and handed it to the waste corporation for proper recycling. We also conducted workshops and activities to raise awareness about plastic usage and disposal. On the third day, we continued with workshops and activities, concluding with a play illustrating the dangers of irresponsible plastic disposal.
Proper disposal of plastic is essential for the well-being of animals, trees, and humans in the area. Proper education about plastic is crucial for everyone.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Responsible consumption
Humanitarian action
Healthy Planet

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