Outfit 657 Joins Brigada Eskwela 2022
The school year is about to start and a call for Brigada Eskwela was lunch by the Department of Education of the Philippines and as a member of World Scouting Movement we have our responsibility to engage in call for action. As a Boy SCout of Don Felix T. Lacson Memorial National High School, we wanted to serve our beloved school as to the best as we could. With this, we joined the 2022 Brigada Eskwala with the theme: Tugon sa Hamon ng Ligtas na Balik-Aral.
We help clean the school ground of Don Felix T. Lacson Memorial National High School. We joined the Opening Ceremony by joining the parade around the community signaling the opening of the week long activity. We help the school clear out weeds and unwanted plants that grows around the campus and planted some plants to beautify the area allotted to our group. We have also help clean some of the classrooms and repainted chairs to be used this school year.
The Brigada Eskwela is to prepare the school for the opening of the school. We know that we have done our part for the school to be prepared and be ready for the coming school year. By taking part in Brigada Eskwela, we forge partnership to our school that we are always ready to serve our school every time they need the help of our scouts. We the Outfit 657 of DOn Felix T. Lacson Memorial National High School are always ready to serve.
Boy Scout of the Philippines and Department of Education goes hand in hand in developing the youth and preparing students to be ready for the lifelong education.