Online Global Scouts Kitchen Jamboree - 2021
GSKJ or Global Scouts Kitchen Jamboree is a global scouts jamboree hosted online. I was inspired y the activities it had and as it gave me the chance to explore the cuisine culture of countries around the world. From Asia Pacific we had a diverse range of chef's who are scouts. The connection between everyone is what made me inspired to take part.
The project was executed on the gskjlive.world website and we had manually logged in at the event times to take part in them to watch it.
The project has emphasized the importance of Cooking in scouting and taught about various cultures around the world to the new rovers and scouts. Also the project has furthermore connected together in this time of Pandemic.
I learned so many things about cooking from the Chefs Corner event and also the campfire was a good refreshment in the spirit of world scouting movement,