One nation one people ( zero hunger )

One nation one people ( zero hunger )

Good afternoon:
It’s simply through a heart of volunteerism .
I feel we are also a part of this nation and We must also work upon to help His Majesty and the Royal Government of Bhutan .
Little drops of water , little grains of sand make a mighty ocean and a pleasant land. We feel the need of shared responsibility at this hour . Extensive amount put upon by our selfless People’s king and the Royal Government of Bhutan would amount to nothing if we do-not do our part to support the citizen and nation . Nagor Scout Association would like to show our solidarity at this adverse situation by hearing and reaching the needy families by providing basic amenities . 
In total we have covered 13 needy families by providing 25 kg of rice bag, 1 Liter of oil , 1 kg sugar , 1 kg salt and 3 soaps each to respective households. Individual we are just a leave , together we grow to a beautiful flower . 
Though the support wasn’t that prodigious-yet it’s simple a gesture of shared responsibility in the community. 

Thanking you
Yours sincerely 
Scout leaders
Nagor Scout Association
Nagor MSS 

Number of participants
Service hours
Good Governance
Global Support Assessment Tool
Legacy BWF

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