Observation of International Day of Peace, with the installation of Peace Pole at Chuzagang Primary School, Sarpang, Bhutan

Observation of International Day of Peace, with the installation of Peace Pole at Chuzagang Primary School, Sarpang, Bhutan

International Day of Peace was successfully observed on 21st October, 2019 by Nachung Scouts at Chuzagang Autonomous Primary School, Sarpang District Bhutan. Scouts and leaders participated in varities of activities to marks this day.The programs were carried out successfully.

The School Scout Association could launch the PEACE POLE on the same day with the support from school administration.The school administration rendered us full support by providing materials for the installation of PEACE POLE.  The students, staffs and scouts gave their time and energy to accomplished the project. We are in the process of developing the site with innovative and creative ideas to catch the eyes of visitors.

Ofcourse. we faced challenges to come up with the PEACE POLE in shape. Most of us were not skilled in handling the masonry work but with much hurdles we successfully  done with our work. This was the cause our Team Spirit.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF
Youth Engagement

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