Native Tree Scout Nursery

Deforestation in Bolivia's inter-Andean valleys endangers native tree species and disrupts ecosystems. Afforestation projects often struggle to source native trees, opting for easier-to-cultivate exotics. The project countered this with a native species nursery and awareness campaigns, influencing future reforestation initiatives. Native afforestation will restore balance, recover endangered trees, and attract new members while reengaging former ones.

The project aimed to promote native tree use in afforestation and green spaces. It started with a native species nursery, conducted awareness campaigns, and trained a "multiplier team" of scouts and leaders. In the second phase, they educated participants who could earn a badge by sharing the message. The third phase included two successful afforestation activities involving over 1100 participants, improving environmental awareness and native tree availability for a healthier environment.

The project aimed to encourage the use of native trees in afforestation efforts and city green spaces. Whit this project wee reached more tan 10060 persons. We achieved to have afforestation activities whit more than 1100 participants, and we manage to produce more than 2000 native trees seedlings! Awareness campaigns were designed to promote native species adoption, transition to healthier ecosystems, and enhance afforestation practices.

The project help us to learn the importance of using native tree species in afforestation, but also about community engagement, involving more people to drive positive change in environmental initiatives. It emphasizes the value of awareness campaigns and education, the project successfully raised environmental awareness, highlighting the power of environmental education and outreach campaigns in fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and sustainability.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Plurinational State of Bolivia
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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