National Mockdrill Day

National Mockdrill Day

21st September in Bhutan is also celebrated as National Mockdrill Day in remembrance to the casualties of major earthquake that happened during 2009 and 2011. The two major disasters destroyed the lives and damaged the properties amounting to million of Ngultrums ( Bhutanese Currency ). The program was coordinated with Disaster Management Team of the School and Cubs. The objectives of this project are as follows: - activate Incident Commanding System -engage communities and students, staffs in the disaster preparedness -identify the structural and non-structural hazards inside school and their homes Mockdrill "Duck, Cover and Hold", was also demonstrated by the Cubs to their parents. The project was attended by 75 people including students and teachers of Sertena Primary School as well as community members.
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Global Support Assessment Tool

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