Nagor Scouts Hiking

To explore more with nature and connect with nature. Hiking in nature as recreational activity and self care program to enhance both physical and mental health and wellbeing. To learn more on hiking trials, trail signs, survival skills, and importance of conservation of environment that we enjoy breathing clean air.

All the Nazhoen and Nachung scouts went for hiking on Saturday. Advance team prepared the hiking trails and trails sign for hiking routes and set up the treasure hunt game a day before the hike. Scouts were divided into 6 different group leaded by troop leaders and focal teacher. During hike we meditated for few minutes, and learned survival skills along our hiking routes. After reaching our destination we break for our lunch and then sang some yells and end with photo session.

Almost more than 300 scouts including Nazhoen scouts, Nachung scouts and focal teacher were benefited. Through hiking we learned new skills and knowledge of survival skills, developed basic understanding on conservation of our pristine environment, learned trail signs and cues and required team work & spirit for playing treasure hunt game. Hiking promotes the physical & mental health and spiritual wellbeing of our scouts.
Learned adventure skills such as trails sign and directions, team work, new survival skills, bird watching, wild edible plants, and first aid. Hike would be better if we camp for a night with camp fire and singing yells.
Number of participants
Service hours
Nature and Biodiversity
Inner peace and spirituality
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability
Health and Wellbeing

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