Nadi Jet Setters - International Day of Peace

The need to Spread peace around us and make the planet a healthy and safe place for the future. Children are the best path way to achieve this change and educating young minds can bring about a positive change in educating adults around them.
This project was implemented at District level, where more than 20 schools took part. The project was done in Nadi District involving all schools within the district. A council meeting was held and scouts were asked to hold school based peace activities and share it on social media and other various platforms.
The project has helped young and old to become aware of how important their environment is and that we need to end racism at all cost if we want to live in peace with others and have a sustainable future for us and our future generation.
Make peace with those around you, within your community and most important of all have inner peace for a healthy life. Plant trees and help the nature flourish and make the environment beautiful for others to survive. Peace should not have any boundaries.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Inner peace and spirituality
Personal safety
Health and Wellbeing
Peace and Community Engagement

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