Mop in Kaohsiung, We live, We care 高雄的和平使者,存在與關懷

The cubs scouts of Linyuan Elementary School often went out to clean the beach and mountain and they wanted to write down their feelings and painting, than , Scout master asked them to think about more and try to do more -how to help more people and what is peace really means. 林園國小的小狼們常常出去淨灘淨山,他們想寫下自己的感受並做著色畫,而團長請大家發想並試著執行-如何幫助更多人,而和平真正的意義又為何?
We try to find out the pictures to recalled what we have done before. The cubs thought about beach cleaning ,mountain cleaning, community helping, than, they want to let others know more about " What peace is..." . They draw some beautiful paintings and write down their thoughts in Chinese and English to show others how they consider about the world!! 我們試著找出以前服務的照片來回憶,小狼們想到我們做過淨灘、淨山與社區服務,進而他們想讓大家知道"和平是什麼",因此,孩子們畫了美麗的著色畫,並用中英文寫下他們的想法,讓大家知道他們真心關懷這世界!!
The project impact might be that people in the campus or community see their paintings and what they wrote , than , they might ask them some questions and the cubs can explain to them . The cubs might have chances to change others' minds. If they can change their minds to help more people, we can be closer to a truly peaceful world. 計畫影響在於,當人們看到小狼的畫與話,或許會問為何而做,他們就有機會說明並改變其他人的想法,讓大家真正了解和平意義,也讓我們更接近和平的世界。
The cubs need more time to be prepared and talk to others. They are too shy to say it out. 小狼需要多練習並準備好,才能更完整表達。他們太害羞以至於無法完整表達
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Scouts of China
Good Governance
Nature and Biodiversity
Personal safety
Environment and Sustainability
Health and Wellbeing

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