a Mobile Ayurveda Clinic  , Kamburawela - Baduraliya, Sri Lanka

a Mobile Ayurveda Clinic , Kamburawela - Baduraliya, Sri Lanka

Ayurveda medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India, which uses a range of treatments, including panchakarma ('five actions'), yoga, massage, acupuncture and herbal medicine, to encourage health and wellbeing, but unfortunately with the modern developments current society is forgetting the importance of Ayurveda and many of are away from itself. therefore the Scouts from Kamburawela Scout Group, Baduraliya organized a Mobile Ayurveda Clinic with the Assistance of Baduraliya Divisional Ayurveda Hospital for people who living in the Surroundings of their School. it is free of charge clinic and therefore a considerable people were came there for their illness and for needs, with the participation of Auurveda Doctors , Staff, and Scouts and some parents and area people its altogether 55 people were contributed with this occasion. Special Thanks to Mr. Chamila Kumara, The Scout Master,
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Personal safety

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