Messengers of Peace Roadshow at Bonifacio Javier Nationa High School

Messengers of Peace Roadshow at Bonifacio Javier Nationa High School

MANDALUYONG, PHILIPPINES - in response to the call of Boy Scouts of the Philippines into the widespread of Messengers of Peace Initiative, The MoP City of Mandaluyong had finally started to conduct its first MoP activity at Bonifacio Javier National High School. The said MoP Roadshow has a theme called "Messengers of Peace, to do something. Something good, something profitable to others. Scouter Jun Ryan Hernandez had contributed a lot in order for this activity to materialized. It is the first step of Mandaluyong on syncing up to the promulgation of MoP Photo courtesy of Sctr. Jun Rhyan Hernandez
Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF

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