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The seniors of my scout group motivated me to be a part of the "MERIT BADGE COURSE" project. Afterward, on the first day of my course, I had lots of fun learning new stuffs about scouting and got to experience about pioneering, camping, first aids, etc badges a that we will get after growing the respective skills and merits which inspired me to attend the full course.
This project was implemented inside our school premises and it was a 3 days course. We got to learn about 15 badges with their required merits as 5 badge courses a day.The scouts of other nearby schools took part in this project along with the scouts of our school. Within these three days we learned, noted, made our respective logbooks, submitted them, and took the following badges. It was a tough but fun experience to gather. I had a great time with my teachers, mentors, seniors, and friends.
This project impacted us with great experience and valuable teachings. We the junior scouts got the opportunity to learn about a lot of things that made our further life easier. We got to know about the scout life stories of our teachers and mentors, their ups and downs as scouts. It was a great course to experience and learn. I am grateful that I got the opportunity to be a part of it. The teachings that I got, will be impactful not only now but also in the future.
I got to know about the meanings of different Merit Badges and the necessary skills needed to acquire before earning each of those respective badges. Besides, these theoretical lessons, we got achieve practical lessons of life from our seniors, teachers, and mentors.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Communications and Scouting Profile
Youth Programme

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