A little less litter
We decided to clean up the area in a round our scout hall which is located alongside a canal and is adjacent to a local school. When the wind blows litter often catches along our halls fences and plants; more recently vagrants have been bumping mattresses and other household items between the nearby plants.
to the unobservant, the litter and other items can go unnoticed, we have noticed them and decided to do something about it.
We spent time one evening after Cubs cleaning the hall grounds and surrounding canal area. Every cub was issued with some latex gloves and sent of in pairs with a black bag. The ask - Fill it as fast as possible.
We had competitions on who could find the largest and smallest pollutants and litter.
Excluding the cubs and scouts who make use of the hall, the canal and school that we are adjacent to are used daily by many people who live in the area or pass through it for work. Perhaps about 150 people a day benefited from a cleaner environment.
Making a difference in our community doesn't need to be a massive undertaking. Often just being observant and doing the small things can make a noticeable difference.