Little green parrot looks just like his mom

A little parrot needed my help
I was getting back from a ranch, a strong southerly wind just had arrive to the zone, i was driving in the highway when i saw a bird fall ahead of me, it was a little green parrot, it was alive but just could not fly, so i took him to my home, i kept him in my cat's transport cage for 3 days until the end of the cold weather, i fed him with bananas, when the weather was hot as usually, with the help of my friend a lider scout Clarita Prado, we took him to the country and release him to the wild

I would say 1 parrot and 507 095 inhabitants from the state of Beni were benefited, anyone who likes seeing the parrots fly through the state above their heads, or like see them resting on the trees.

The value of taking care of wild animals in need, i would it make it better by giving talks on the proteccion of wild animal, by taking my scout group to see year around proyects that work with wild animals in need. By the way, the photo ahead its not from the proyect, i just didnt take any photo of the little green parrot, but it looked like the one in the photo.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Plurinational State of Bolivia
Nature and Biodiversity
Youth Programme
Environment and Sustainability

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