“Littering water is littering planets health” LLC

Earth Tribe gives us a unique possibility to focus in environmental issues affecting our communities and quality of life on our planet, encouraging young people to raise their voice and take action for their future. Existing best practices and tools come as a significant support in this path. WOSM and FEE efforts provide necessary resources and tools to realize interesting activities and create relevant educational and communication material for the implementation of Earth Tribe.

Several activities through the year took place in Venture Scouts National gathering, as co-events in Regattas for classical boats, with school groups, open events for Scout groups, young people and families. As Greece is surrounded by the Sea, the “Lab” was created to communicate the dimensions of litter problem in the Sea and to engage young people to participate in the solution with their actions.

Young people are interested and puzzled much more than expected from them, not only the matter concerning fresh and sea water, but wider our behavior and impact in our environment and the quality of life on Earth. Everything starts with a small step. It is very important this step to be simple, meaningful, inspiring and comes natural with not much effort to make it yourself. The same time, it is not simple at all to prepare a “simple step”!
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Better Choice
Healthy Planet
Youth Engagement

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