South Africa

Litter Less - Cleaning up our neighbourhood

This was suggested as part of the South African 2023 National Challenge. We looked at different ways we could clean up out neighbourhood, and decided a walk from our hall to a nearby park could provide a good opportunity to achieve this.
Our cub pack walked from our hall to a nearby park. We picked up rubbish en route and also at the park itself.
The end result was 2 large bags of rubbish collected and a cleaner neighbourhood and park for the residents of the area.
Next time we might invite families to join us, as it was a fun outing. We also needed more smaller rubbish bags for the cubs to have with them, and more gloves so they don't have to pick up rubbish with their bare hands.
Number of participants
Service hours
South Africa
Nature and Biodiversity
Better Choice
Environment and Sustainability

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