South Africa

Litter Less with 10th Arcadia

Improving the environment: Picking up litter can make a tangible difference in the cleanliness and appearance of a community or natural space. By removing litter, you are helping to maintain a healthier and more pleasant environment for people and wildlife.
Choose a location: Decide on an area that you would like to clean up, such as a park, a beach, a street, or a trail. Gather supplies: You will need gloves, trash bags, and a trash grabber if you have one. If you don't have a trash grabber, you can use tongs or a stick to pick up litter. Dress appropriately: Wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes. You may also want to wear a hat and sunscreen if you will be outside for an extended period of time.
Environmental Impact: Litter can harm wildlife and their habitats. Picking up litter helps to prevent animals from ingesting harmful materials or getting entangled in litter. It also reduces the amount of plastic and other materials that end up in our waterways and oceans, which can cause pollution and harm to marine life.
Picking up litter can make us aware of the impact our actions have on the environment. Seeing the amount of litter on the ground can help us understand the consequences of not disposing of waste properly.
Started Ended
Number of participants
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South Africa
Clean Energy
Environment and Sustainability

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