The opening ceremony for Arbour Day
Profile picture for user paddy_slack
South Africa

Lexden Indigenous Forest

Growing up as a Scout close to the Lexden Scout Camp (over 100 years old), I spent many days and nights at there. One of the features of the grounds was a large forest of exotic trees (mostly invasive species). Since being planted in the 1990s, with the intention of it being harvested for timber, the invasive forest grew out of control. The community was concerned that this would create issues if left unattended. I approached the camp committee about planting an indigenous forest in place of the invasive forest and they gave their full support!

The project started with finding a tree feller crazy enough to tackle such a wild forest. Over the weekends, with the Squarelaw Rover Crew's help, I cleared the weeds and other undergrowth that overwhelmed the area. The clearing and tree felling was scheduled to be finished 2 weeks before Arbour Day. I organized a tree planting event for Arbour Day (4 September 2022), where the community was asked to donate indigenous trees (from a list of 60 different species). The event was a huge success with over 600 trees planted!

This was only Phase 1 on the project. The project is still ongoing as controlling invasive species is a never-ending battle. Phase 2 will see an additional 400 trees planted to cover a total of 1.4 hectares.

As the indigenous forest grows, it will be made into a resource for the Scouts (and community) to educate people on the importance of biodiversity and sustainability, and to provide an escape for animals and people from the busy city that surrounds it. Once completed, This project has uplifted the Lexden Scout Camp and the entire neighborhood and has given a sense of achievement to all who were involved (over 600 people).

This project made me appreciate the Lexden Scout Camp and nature in general more than ever before (especially indigenous trees).

If I were to do this project again, I would allow for more time between cutting down the invasive trees and planting the indigenous trees. This would have allowed us to remove the weeds more thoroughly and would have given the Lexden Scout Camp Committee time to build campsites and pathways in the forest without having to work around the indigenous trees.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
South Africa
Nature and Biodiversity
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability

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