Let's explore
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Let's explore

Rovers and the nachung scouts of Kanglung Primary school provided themselves with an excellent experience during the last weekend camp. The main motive behind conducting such camp was to take young people to the frontier where nature and civilization meet and to learn about both. They were left with just the forest and their fellow scout mates separating them from everyday life and distractions helping themselves to improve their key skills, including social skills, teamwork ability, leadership ability, confidence and building good relationships and long-lasting friendships.

The camp exposed the campers to a variety of activities including adventurous hike, cooking competition, talent show, blind trail, ladder rope, experience sharing, camp fire and etc. These activities helped to strengthen teamwork and personal accomplishment like physical, mental, and spiritual development to play constructive roles in the society. Students were filled with zeal and energy during the camp successfully completing all the activities. 

The camp was successful and the campers added memories to cherish for throughout their life.

Happy Scouting!

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