lets break the silence! lets talk about Menstruation!
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lets break the silence! lets talk about Menstruation!

#Periodofsharing  From silent whispers to a powerful voice , from Red is a taboo to Red is beautiful, from stigmas to hash tags, from a void to a movement,  Menstrual Hygiene Bhutan campaign has come a long way... Pelrithang Middle Secobdary School in Bhutan joins to campaign by breaking the silence  through resources or by their mere presence,  encouragement, education and advocacy for better hygiene conditions were imparted. The red band became a symbol not just of menstruation or breaking the silence, but of individual drive and volunteerism. And now finally , we have reached #PERIODofsharing as we culminate our drive by every Bhutanese and we want everyone to celebrate it by standing up for a cause, by being helpful, by sharing and being volunteers for life, not just for this cause, but for anyone that needs our attention. #spreadthelove
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