Learning and teaching is best thought in scouting

Learning and teaching is best thought in scouting

The chey chey scout and nachung scout is recent identity for scout children in bhutan. One of the basic reaaon for starting such initative is to nurture sense of scouting and to learn new things from the very day child got enroll in school . I have joined this project chey chey and nachung scout from 6th march 2019 and i think this is biggest project for me and rovers scouts of the sherubtse college.

Three rovers scouts ( sherubtse college )and 2 staff moderator  from kanglung primary school start this project from 6th march 2019 and ended project chey chey and nachung scout in 5th june 2019 for this spring semester and similar programme will be continue from coming semester. Rovers scouts from sherubtse place greater importance in imprinting best version of future youth by nurturing primary brother and sisters, espically chey chey and nachung scouts. Today there is 84 chey chey scouts and 105 nachung scouts  under good guidance of BSA , DSA and school administration. 

Volunteers from sherubtse rovers scout contribute helpful support during every wednesday for chey chey scout and friday for nachung scouts. Young scouts were taught verious skills and knowldege related to scouting and scouting through fun is maintained through collaborative and succefull use of time in adventure and other social related activities . Moreover students learned to get confidence and and start nurturing skills and bhutanese values in scoiety. Every wednesday and friday, school is hovered with sweet melodies and yell that is beautifully sung by chey chey and nachung scouts . As a facilitator i feel strong and brave to  continue further with this kind of activities because i believe that   little contribution  is necessary to achieve greater things in society . Further more i learn more than what i have taught from kids and that is my greatest achievement. So to help your self you need to contribute something first. Happy scouting .


Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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