Leaders For The Environment

The idea came from the biological diversity in the city of Derna (Libya), and so there must be leaders who can help enhance this beautiful diversity and pass on this experience to society so other citizens can also be leaders who protect this wonderful wildlife.
the project of leaders of the environment was implemented in Derna, therefore scout leaders participated in a series of lectures to understand the biodiversity, after that the leaders learned how to practically scan multiple wild life animals and plants that were on the verge of extinction, later on, they had different solutions regarding the impact of waste and the effect of it on wildlife, publically announcing these troubles that have a major effect on the environment.
The impact was huge as citizens became aware of how endangered different species were, the leaders also became aware and with this participation the wheel of knowledge became bigger and so many people participated in the scanning and collecting garbage that was in the environment.
1. How these projects can have positive effects on the environment 2. International laws were understood regarding the environment 3. society acceptance and willingness for participation 4. A loud call was heard for the society to participate 5. Using the project to break the ice and help increase awareness regarding the environment.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability
Skills for Life

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