Korean Venture Scout leads project to help Cambodian families
A good Scout leader once said, “If we, (leaders), give Scouts the opportunity to do good through Scouting, and if they practice it everyday, that goodness becomes part of them”.
This is so true in the story of Venture Scout Kim So Hee, a Korean high school student who raised funds online to help four Cambodian families whom she met while visiting the country as part of her volunteer service. On that visit, Miss Kim realized that a small boat could be a big help for a family to earn a living.
On her return to Korea, Venture Scout Kim joined the Korea Scout Association’s project called “Youth Philanthropy Program with Happy Bean”. This is a newly developed youth leadership building project though fundraising.
For the next five months, Scout professional Mr Kim Kyuung Sik teamed up with Miss Kim to raise funds online. About 460 people responded to the call including Duk San High School students, Sang Rok Soo Foundation and the Happy Bean donors. Together they raised US$2,800. With this amount, Venture Scout Kim went back to Cambodia with Mr Kim Kyuung Sik and other donors to turn over four boats to the families.