Kang Chiao Scouts Fundraising Activity
We, as Scouts, are creating a better world. We can make a positive change in the world by becoming active citizens in our community. Scouts do good and help others because it is part of the values and principles we have adopted. It is also because it is nice to help others and to make a difference, even if it is only a small action. Whenever we are kind to people we send a message of love and peace, making a difference to them and also ourselves.
We, Kang Chiao Scout Troop 57, encouraged our students to go fundraising off campus. 11/18(Sat) and 11/19(Sun) is a good chance to experience this activity during our free time. Scouts widened their horizons after this fundraising activity. They learned how to be appreciative, and be satisfied with what they have.
Every participant will get a folder to complete the fundraising activity. They are to fill out a donor’s information. Participants use weekends to fundraise and invite friends or neighbors to join the Fundraising Activity.
No matter how much money they raise, the Scouts will still learn the precious gift of giving during this activity.