Investiture ceremony

Investiture ceremony

On 18nd April, 2019, Wangdue Primary School Scouts conducted Investiture Ceremony. The program started at 8:00am, assembling whole school in the assembly ground. 99 Nachung scout members received membership badges and Scarves from the Deputy Chief Dzongkhag Education Officer and Principal. The very event wasobserved for a day .

The program would not have been successful without the following personals’ support. We would like to thank your good office, DYSC for providing us the scarves and badges before time and Dzongkhang Education Officier for blessing and honoring the event.

We also would like to thank our school administration for providing us platform in promoting scouting program and full support and valuable guidance at all times. We offer our heartfelt thank to all the concerns for your unwavering support.

Vanue:           School MPH/Assembly Ground

Date:            18th April, 2019


New Nachung Scouts : 99

Old scouts                     : 41

 Total Nachung Scouts: 140

Scout Masters              : 9

Non Scout Teacher        33              

Students: 717



Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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