Investiture camp 2017
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Investiture camp 2017

Along with an expert team of 25 rovers and unit leaders, I helped arranged a two day investiture camp for the scouts that were going to take oath and join the scout movement. It was held on our school campus. The camp had many different kinds of activities ranging from outdoor games to quiz to night games to educational classes on first aid and pioneering. There were also patrol challenges on topics like code and cypher. Everyday morning there was an alloted time for BPPT where we practiced different types of physical training and promoted the need to be active to lead a healthy life. 

President's Scout Award is the most prestigious award of Bangladesh for scouts. For this camp we made a PS tree where we hung the names of all the awardees from our scout group who had achieved this award. On the last day we arranged for an oath giving ceremony where around 90 scouts and cubs took their oath and got their scarves and membership badges.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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