Inspiring young minds towards scouting programs.

This particular project was aiming to engage young scout minds. To help them educate about scouting and instill interest towards scouting so that especially the young groups become active in scouting. It was an opportunity to impart the knowledge i had regarding scouting to others. To teach and learn together as well.
Program was held in Bjimithangkha primary school to celebrate scout holiday conciding with their scout investiture ceremony. It started with scout anthem, oath taking and giving away of scarf to new nachung scouts. Then scouts took turns to visit 4 bases. Base 1 taught basic foot drills, base 2 included treaure hunting, base 3 included adventure games and base 4 included fun scout games to enhance their skills. Finally, after falling in scouts departed for lunch with smile in their faces.
Though the program was held in a primary school with around 250 audiences its impact was greater. The learning that took place on that day surely got extended as young scouts were seen sharing ideas to people around especially to their parents and family with brimmimg faces. They were sharing the fun learing that they got from scouting apart from academic education. Many of them approached us the youth leaders and expressed their interest after the program. Therefore, a change was seen.
Surely i learned alot while doing this project. I came to realise the potential and impact of scouts. After teaching the young group i felt a greater motivation to do more of scouting programs. I once again learned the importance of interpersonal communication skills, value of team work and importance of being patient as well. I got the chance to learn new yells, games and other scouting games too. It really was informative as well as fun project for me.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Interpersonal skills
Skills for Life

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