Initiate New Reading Volunteer Scouts Team in a remote village: Mandalamekar

Initiate New Reading Volunteer Scouts Team in a remote village: Mandalamekar

Mandalamekar Village is a remote place that just have their first High School after decades. It's located about 1,5 hours driving from Tasik Regent in West Java Province. PRABUHI had been here for a Camp in 2013; when we learned about how to "create forest" from a SEACOLOGY AWARD winner: Mr. Irman Meilandi, who is one of our Leader now. So, this year they finally have their own High School, with only 26 students. PRABUHI was formally invited to run Scouting in that High School. One of our Leader: Mrs. Pipit Ati was volunteering to stay there for the next 6 months and lead the students to build Scout Team and Prabuhi Team as well. From 4th to 7th August 2014, I, and 3 other leaders; Pipit Ati, Irman Meilandi, & Bezie Galih Manggala; worked to initiate the Scouting Team, Prabuhi Team, and also introducing Messengers of Peace Initiatives. In the last day, we asked them to do Reading Rally, and their performance was very awarding. They also made a nice time line on making their first projects and scheduling their scouting time. The only minus is that this village has very poor internet connection.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Legacy BWF

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