Profile picture for user fairuz_humaira13

Iftar for All.

"I was inspired to start this project to support underprivileged individuals struggling to afford food, especially during Ramadan. Witnessing the challenges in our community, I felt compelled to ensure everyone can enjoy a nutritious iftar meal. By providing these meals, we meet immediate needs and foster community and compassion, bringing hope and dignity to those who need it most during this special time of year."
We started by identifying communities in need and securing donations. Partnering with local food suppliers, we sourced ingredients and organized volunteers to prepare and package the meals. Distribution was done through collection points and home deliveries, ensuring efficient and respectful service. Feedback from recipients helped us improve our efforts continuously.
Through this project, we discovered the value of community collaboration and effective planning. Clear communication and adaptability were key to our success, ensuring efficient resource management and volunteer coordination. Feedback from recipients emphasized the importance of empathy and continuous improvement in meeting their needs, highlighting the impact of our efforts in fostering community support and compassion.
Started Ended
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Humanitarian action
Good Governance
Healthy Planet

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