"I am Global Citizen"- SDG 1st Day (7 june 2021)
I am a Global Citizen-a webinar by SDG: is very interesting and informative webinar .the first day was ingouration day and Dr. Ranoj Pegu (education minister of Assam) ingourate the webinar with its story as a scout during his childhood and they wishes for the future and many other personality like Mr. PGR Sindhia , Honourable Dr. Rajkumar Kaushik (Director of Bharat Scouts and Guides) , Mr. Madhusudan , Ayantika Kundu , Mr. AK Absar Hazarika , Mr. MA Khalid , and Chandirajit Saikia speak on this first day but the main I like most lecture by Madhusudan sir. its very informative and interesting . In the ending of the webinar of 1st day give a gott off thanks by Mrs. Darshana Pawashkar .I'm very excited to join other days .