Profile picture for user nazmus sakib

Help for needy people during Ramadan

Ramadan brings us happiness, peace and love. This month is the month of fasting for both the rich and the poor. At this time the rich understand the suffering of the poor. And they all together pray to God. May my lower caste brothers and sisters live with some peace and comfort in this month, this is my prayer for them.
If one intends to do a good deed, Allah Himself guides him. When I first thought of implementing this project, I had a lot of plans but my funds were empty. When I told my friends about my plan they also agreed with me. We do not swear to help even one helpless person in this Ramadan. For that purpose we resorted to various wealthy people of the society, they support us and come. And we were able to help about 160 people.
We call this project "Alokita Ananda". And when I saw the smiling faces of the help-seekers, my heart swelled with joy. When our project gets publicity more people come forward to help the needy people. And the transparency of our accounts and disbursements impresses everyone. They all agree, Rovers can do it all.
One thing that my friends and I have learned from this project is that no matter how hard a task is, it is not impossible if there is a will and a good intention.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Humanitarian action
Peace and Community Engagement

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