I visited a major trading centre in Kiambu County,Wangige market in Kabete Sub-County. The market is a big trading centre in the community and noticed that there was need to do a clean-up in the market and street areas and also plant trees due to the little tree coverage in the area and lack of proper sanitation .
We reached out to the local authorities,shared our idea and they supported us. We assembled at the market place at 08:00am and had a small conservation talks in group to help the 70 people who had heard our call understand better what's at stake and also the importance of what we were doing.We planted 200 trees and cleaned up the town with the community members joining in to help.We distributed1000 seedballs and 50 treeseedlings to the community members with the help of the Sungura scouts.
200 market vendors benefited directly because we cleaned their selling spots 50 members of the community got a tree seedling and an additional 100 got seedballs An estimated no of 2000 people benefited from. The town cleanup and the tree planting.
It's up to us (the community members)to make a change People are very willing to support in initiatives that benefit them and the community. No one is to small/to be part of making a change