Go to Taitung for Cub Scout experience activities
This is an elementary school located in eastern Taiwan. Because of its remote location, many resources are not as good as what a metropolis can provide to students. However, the local government education department spared no effort to promote the Scout movement, so this opportunity is available. 這是一所位在台灣東部的小學,因為地處偏僻的關係,許多資源不如大都市所能提供給學生相當。但是當地政府教育部門對於推廣童軍運動不遺餘力,因此有了這個機會。
The method of Scouting activities we use includes the skills of Cub Scouting. In addition to singing and games, the activities of the International Day of Peace are also combined, allowing participants to express their peace concepts in their hearts through colorful paintings. 我們使用的童軍活動的方法,包含了幼童軍的活動技巧。除了唱歌、遊戲,也結合了國際和平日的活動,讓參加者透過彩繪的方式表達心中的和平理念。
Perhaps these short two-day activities can only give these participants different experiences and experiences, but from their behavioral and verbal responses, let us know that they still want this opportunity to participate and learn more. 或許這短暫兩天的活動只能讓這些參與者得到不同的經歷與體驗,但是從他們行為上及言語上的回應,讓我們知道他們還想要有這樣的機會能參與並學習的更多。
Perhaps from the perspective of urbanites, they lack urban resources, but these things can be brought to the local area; on the other hand, how to preserve the local aboriginal culture so that they can identify and have sufficient knowledge and skills to bring them to In the city, introduce it to more people. This is not only personal cultural transmission, but also the beginning of understanding to tolerating each other. 從都市人的角度來看,他們缺乏都市的資源;反觀,讓他們能認同並擁有足夠的知能與技能,帶到都市中,介紹給更多的人。從了解到包容彼此的開始。