Go Green Campaign & Sanitation Promoter
Hello my name is Subham Roy, I'm a scouter of Bharat Scouts And Guides and a proud Indian also. I'm a resident of Howrah district in state of West Bengal. My motivation behind this project to clean the city, decrease pollution rate and save greenery. Also I want to became a Earth Tribe and make the pollution free and green planet.
At first we meetup and go for clean up the local area and then we remove plastics from road and locality, after all off this we go to plant trees in many place, everyone there appreciate us and they are very happy with our works and many want to join us.
We aware people about this increasing pollution level and global warming , we advised everyone to please plant trees, don't use plastic, and sanitise local places.. It will help everybody and especially youth's are attracted with our movement
We learn about more strongly teamwork, leadership, and positivity can really change the world.