South Africa

Gladstone 4th RLY Kimberley Group Litter Less

As part of Scouts SA Litter Less Campaign, our Group decided to clean up litter in an area close to our Scout Hall. Litter is obviously extremely bad for our natural environment, but it can also be detrimental on peoples health and wellness. Both in a Psychological and Health prospective
The group received a donation of Black Bags from a company in the area. The Scouts and Cubs gathered at the Scout Hall and walked to the determined park. On the way litter was collected, and the park was cleared of litter by the Cubs and Scouts in their "twos" (Buddy System)
A lot of litter was collected that would otherwise continue polluting the environment. It has also been disposed of responsibly. The park is on a main road through our City, many people saw the children working and were motivated by their actions.
The Campaign did not take as long as expected for the size area. We learned that every little bit counts and a project that seems large is doable when we work together in our team
Number of participants
Service hours
South Africa
Healthy Planet
Better Choice
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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