Giving water to thirsty pedestrians

At present the highest temperature in Bangladesh is Jessore. Cold water and syrup are like elixir to passers-by in this intense heat wave and heat wave. So for the temporary relief of the thirsty passers-by Jessore Polytechnic Institute rover group distributed cold food water and syrup and also warned the passers-by how to protect themselves and their families from this intense heat wave and scorching.
About 200 people including some pedestrians, rickshaw pullers, van drivers were fed cold syrup on behalf of Jessore Polytechnic Institute Rover Scout Group. Besides, all Rovers try to make all common people aware so that no one wanders outside unnecessarily and does not fall under the grip of heat stoke.
People's life is becoming difficult in severe heat. At this time a glass of water is like nectar. We try to relieve the suffering of the thirsty people by delivering them. We are really happy to see them getting refreshed.
Number of participants
Service hours
Civic engagement
Health lifestyles
Humanitarian action

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