First ever Mini Temple at Changzhu village
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First ever Mini Temple at Changzhu village

One of the pillar of GNH(gross national happiness) is to preserve and promote our culture. We are happy to built one of the first ever Mini Temple at Chongzhu primary school under samtse district.chongzhu primary school is located at one of the remote place in Bhutan. In this place there are no single temple till date. 

It will help 133 students and more than 1300 people from five village to learn about culture of Bhutan. This mini temple was built by the students, teacher and community people.

This project also help students to get good quality of education. The students and teacher learn how to write proposal, they learn about team work and so on...

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Good Governance
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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